So, a few updates on life and then some inspiring thoughts for a Sunday morning.
Martin and I have officially changed churches. We had been thinking about this move for a while, it really isn't a reflection of our last church, just for me working through ordination, and Martin looking for a place that he really fit, we thought it would be better if we found a church that we could get behind and support, and one that was reaching outward inste

Last night the sermon was about problems coming with growth. The sermon was more about growth in the church and the need for people to step in and help fill the needs of the congregation, but I saw it a little different. There has been a lot of growth happening in my life, and I have been just chugging along, not really focusing on anything. It's been forever since I have had regular devotional time (quiet time) and even longer since I sat down and wrote for myself (like this).
So, my new goal is to be more productive. If I can get back to starting my day focusing on myself, and who God wants me to be, and end my day in devotion and prayer time, then the "me" in the middle will be a more productive, peaceful being. I plan to write more, reflect more, and spend some time being still and know

So, I woke up inspired this morning. Inspired to do all the work that's sitting on my To-Do list (personal, professional, and for friends). Inspired to remember that God is the time-keeper, and do things in his time and not mine. Inspired to go for more walks, and run a few more 5ks. Inspired to be more positive at work. Inspired to be a better wife to my husband (I cooked breakfast for him today, see already on a roll!) I want to inspire others, and get back to the place where Jesus shines on my face like the morning sun. So, pray for me, send positive energy my way, and get inspired too! If we are all inspired to be better people, then we will see a better world!
Loved it! You are an inspiration to all that are lucky enough to truly know you.
Thank you! You guys are pretty darn great yourselves! :)
Just wanted to say that it is awesome you have found a place that inspires you with the word of God and gives you so much excitement. Now, to another note, quit stressing over the weight girl! You are a pretty girl, I really don't see you as a big person at all! I think you are perfect the way you are and I am sure my lovely cousin there agrees! I love ya girl! Don't stress over the small things, there is NO such thing as the perfect weight!
Much love to you and Martin!
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