Hi. It’s me. Your Mom. You turned
three in May and because I’ve been so busy, I’m writing this in July. Hey …
listen, you get two kids, a full time job and all kinds of other things and
then give me a hard time okay?
And, you are probably the type of kid
who is going to give me a hard time. Let’s be honest, I believe you’ve
inherited your mother’s personality. It seems we have a bit in common when it
comes to making sure we get exactly what we want. You have the eye on the prize
at all times, and if motivated enough I believe you could probably go ahead and
move mountains. I love that about you.
In the last year I’ve been amazed at
how much you’ve grown. You’ve gone from toddler to full-out little BOY! And boy
-- are you all boy! You pretty much love to be outside at all times. You love
to take your dog for walks and play in the backyard. Living in Florida we love
to sit outside in the spring and fall, but you get annoyed with us when it’s
too hot in the summer months.
You are always learning and doing new
things. You can pretty much count to 10 now (sometimes you skip 7 and 8) and
you can sing your ABCs. You know all your colors and shapes and can memorize
most books that we read to you (we found this out because you have started
“reading” sometimes to your little brother). You went to Co-Op last year and
learned most of these things, and in a few weeks you will start PreK-3. I can’t
believe how grown up you are becoming! You are also doing SO much better about
sleeping through the night. We are THRILLED with that development milestone!

I am just as in love with you as the
first day I met you. Your dad and I are so proud of you and love having
conversations with you. Some days are hard, we won’t lie, but at the end we
always remind ourselves of what a sweet, smart, loving, amazing little boy you
are. We are lucky to be your parents.
So, Jude. Happy third birthday baby
boy. This year was a big change with you becoming a big brother. But, I know,
when you look back, you will mark it as one of the best years of your life. Mom
and Dad love you and we can’t wait to see how much you will grow in the next
This is part of Conversion Dairy's seven blogs in seven days challenge.
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