It's been a whirlwind of a year or so. I got pregnant, opened up The Community Hope Center (a nonprofit working to provide services to homeless families in Osceola County), and then had a baby.
Life is/was crazy. So, in an effort to join Jen over at Conversion Dairy I'm doing the seven blogs in seven days challenge and using this opportunity to start this blog back up. So I will be writing for the next seven days to do just that.
Today serves as your one year recap.
Luckily, the doctors were able to stop the contractions ... but our little Desmond Luke Downey was born 10 days later on April 22, 2013.
Can I just say he is the BEST BABY EVER! Those who followed my blog know that with Jude we had a pretty tough go at it. He was sick a lot, never slept, and we dealt with A LOT of feeding issues. With Luke, the only small issue we had was he had some major reflux that caused us a small scare, but once we got it under control he's been awesome.
Amazing things about Luke include the fact that he pretty much already sleeps through the night. He hardly ever cries, and he's the calmest, most smiley, baby ever. He's a pure joy (not that Jude wasn't, it's just really really different).
So, today Luke turned 3 months and I went back to work. The Center was under great leadership with my awesome staff and I had a great maternity leave. I've got lots of goals that I want to achieve as a mom, as a person, and as an executive director. So, I plan on using the next seven days to update you on several things and writing several milestone letters that I haven't gotten around to posting.
So stay tuned.
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